Braid Society Kumihimo Discs
The Society now stocks kumihimo discs branded with the Society’s logo and website. These are 32-slot, dense foam kumihimo discs, 11cm (4¼”) diameter, 1cm (3/8”) thick, and with a 2.4cm (15/16”) diameter central hole. Prices are £3.00 each plus postage or £25.00 plus postage for a pack of ten. Please email booksales@braidsociety.com if you would like to order some of these kumihimo discs.
The Braid Society ed R Spady
Braids, Bands & Beyond - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Braiding
ISBN 978-0-9573127-1-5, The Braid Society, 2016
Following two successful conferences, the proceedings of the Third International conference is now available. This wonderful book contains the work of 30 world renowned authors who have shared their knowledge in a series of articles linked to the workshops and lectures given at the conference. The 37 articles are linked as Braids, Bands and beyond. Braids contains articles on kumihimo, ply-splitting and other braiding techniques; Bands covers tablet weaving and other weaving including backstrap, inkle and bow loom weaving and Beyond has articles on lace and other techniques. The contents contain practical information as well as a wealth of knowledge on different techniques.
25.00 GBP
28 x 21.5 x 1.4 cm 700g 174pp
The Braid Society eds S Berlin and R MacGregor
Threads That Move - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Braiding
ISBN 978-0-9573127-0-8, The Braid Society, 2012
These are conference proceedings like no other. Internationally renowned braidmakers came together in 2012 and this beautifully produced book distributes the knowledge and practical techniques they shared in workshops and lectures. Twenty-five illustrated articles are grouped under the headings of: braids and traditions; kumihimo; loop manipulation braiding; ply splitting; weaving; related techniques; and braidmaking in context. The contents are timeless and will stimulate readers for many years to come.
20.00 GBP
30 x 21 x 0.9 cm 572g 160pp
Braids 2019 eds Koichi Hirosawa and Makiko Tada
Advances in Kumihimo and Fiber Arts - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Braiding
ISBN 9784925252232, The Kumihimo Society, 2019
The proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Braiding are another volume of articles that are incomparable. The keynote speakers and tutors have all contributed articles that demonstrate their expertise in the subjects on which they write. Articles cover kumihimo and other types of braids such as ply split braiding, sprang and woven bands. With 31 contributing authors this book is another treasure for your shelves. The contents are timeless and will stimulate readers for many years to come.
30.00 GBP
26 x 19 x 1.6 cm 650g 160pp
Braids 2019 eds Koichi Hirosawa and Makiko Tada
World Kumihimo and Fiber Arts Exhibition
ISBN 9784925252225, The Kumihimo Society, 2019
The catalogue for the exquisite exhibition held alongside the Fourth International Conference on Braiding. It contains photographs and information about the braided items that were exhibited by tutors, participants of the conference and invited guests. Over 100 artists' work is given in this catalogue
15.00 GBP
26 x 19 x 1 cm 335g 80pp

Braids 2022 ed Katia Johansen
Nordic and World Braids and Bands
ISBN 9788799207411, Narayana Press, 2022
The proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Braiding are another volume of articles that are incomparable. The keynote speakers and tutors have all contributed articles that demonstrate their expertise in the subjects on which they write. Articles cover Nordic bands with detailed talks by Nordic speakers and other types of braids such as kumihimo, ply split braiding, sprang and loop braiding. With 45 contributing authors this book is another treasure for your shelves. The contents are timeless and will stimulate readers for many years to come.
38.00 GBP
30 x 21 x 2 cm 1kg 234pp
Shirley Berlin
Kumihimo on a Disc - the Red Book
Self published by Shirley Berlin
Kongo gumi, the round braid is the first braid any of learn to braid on a disc. This booklet has 19 different colour arrangements, stripes, dots, diamonds and lattices, all made using the same "left up, right down" hand movements. These patterns can also be made on the marudai. Colour photographs of the braids.
6.00 GBP
21 x 14.6 x 0.2 cm 56g 32pp
Shirley Berlin
More Braids on a Disc - The Green Book
Self published by Shirley Berlin
If you change the way you move the threads around the disc you get new structures - flat, square, lacy, zig-zag, and two straw-plaiting braids: Fill-the-Gap and the Laramie, a raised spiral.
All made on a round disc, with NO re-adjustment moves. Colour photographs of the braids and most of the working diagrams.
6.00 GBP
21 x 14.6 x 0.3 cm 62g 32pp
Shirley Berlin and Freda Robinson
Flat Braids
Self published by Shirley Berlin
Ten flat braids to make on a round disc with no re-adjustment moves. The braids range from a 10-strand "easy" one to a 16 strand "not while watching television" one.
The booklet leads you gently from the straightforward "up/down" braids past "Mountain lace" via Zig-zag to "Freda's Wave".
Colour photos
6.00 GBP
21 x 14.6 x 0.3 cm 62g 32pp
Shirley Berlin
The Laramie Braid
Self published by Shirley Berlin
The Laramie is adapted from straw-plaiting techniques and is the big sister of the 7-strand Fill-Gap braid.
This glorified leaflet describes its variations to date: adding beads, braiding with wire, using the core threads as braiding threads and the corkscrew spiral, a threading variation. Colour photographs.
6.00 GBP
212 x 14.6 x 0.1 cm 22g 12pp
Shirley Berlin and Carole Goodwin (ed)
Sixty Sensational Samples - a Kumihimo Collection
Order direct from Shirley at berlinbraids@aol.com. For reasons of economy, postage will be by sea, which is sometimes quicker than you might think.
ISBN 0-9733734-0-7 2004
The samples in this book were generated by groups of enthusiastic braiders interested in Kumihmo.
Sections include; Elegant Braids, Intriguing Structures, Use of Color, Unusual materials, Braids with Beads, Variations on the themes of Kongo gumi and Kara Uchi Gumi.
35.00 GBP including postage, ordered directly from Shirley Berlin
28 x 23 x 1.5 cm 700g 100pp
Jacqui Carey
Braids & Beyond - A broad look at narrow wares
ISBN 0 9523225 4 4, Carey Company, 2003
This richly illustrated book describes the origins, structure, making and use of many forms of braiding and narrow wares. It also includes modern developments of traditional techniques.
It was produced to accompany an exhibition of the same name which marked the Braid Society's 10th Anniversary and remains an interesting and informative reference resource.
7.95 GBP
27 x 21 x 0.3 cm 218g 56pp
Jacqui Carey
Creative Kumihimo - A new approach to the ancient art of Japanese braiding
ISBN 0-9523225-0-1, Carey Company, 1994
This book provides set up instructions fro the Marudai and a step by step guide to braiding for the complete beginner. There are tips for improving technique plus work instructions for more than 50 illustrated braid structures. The unique drafting system is invaluable for the more experienced braider too, so that the design possibilities can be explored. A chapter is also devoted to finishing braids.
14.95 GBP
27 x 21 x 0.8 cm 469g 100pp
Jacqui Carey
Round the Twist - Creative cordmaking
ISBN 0 9523225 3 6, Carey Company, 2002
This book presents new ideas for the simple twisted cords. It is suited to any textile enthusiast wishing to create complementary embellishments. From discussion of S and Z twists, the twist and fold method, colour mixing, textures, retwisting, wrapping, ends and joins are all addressed with an interesting range of samples.
7.95 GBP
26.2 x 18.4 x 0.3 cm 108g 28pp
Jacqui Carey
The Book of Braids - A new approach to creating kumihimo
ISBN 0 9523225 9 5, Carey Company, 2014
This book provides a new way of looking at braidmaking. An innovative 'shorthand' notation offers an aid to memorising complex sequences of moves. It also simplifies the expansion of traditional braids. Over 130 specific examples of beautiful braids reveal the concepts behind the making of kuumihimo and how they can be adapted to create new designs. Basic knowledge of making kumihimo on a marudai is assumed.
21.95 GBP
28 x 21 x 1 cm 514g 128pp
Anne Dixon
Inkle-Loom Weaving - The basics and design
ISBN 1 899972 08 0, Anne Dixon, 1995
This booklet provides an essential introduction to inkle weaving describing the loom then how to warp up and weave samples. Advice on designing inkles and design charts are also given.
2.50 GBP
21 x 15 x 0.2 cm 31g 20pp
Anne Dixon
Lettering on the Inkle-Loom
ISBN 1 899972 00 5, Anne Dixon, 1995
Lettering requires the displacement of warp threads so they 'float' over the background threads. This useful booklet covers letter shapes, colours, specific designs, tips for working with light or dark threads uppermost, word spacing and designing motifs.
2.50 GBP
21 x 15 x 0.2 cm 31g 20pp
Anne Dixon
Baltic-Style Patterns on the Inkle Loom
ISBN 1 899972 09 9, Anne Dixon, 1998
This booklet focuses on these textural patterned woven bands which originated in countries bordering the Baltic Sea. Warping the inkle loom is covered with sample design motifs. Tips for developing designs and 'breaking the rules' are included.
2.50 GBP
21 x 15 x 0.2 cm 30g 20pp
Anne Dixon
A brief History of the Inkle - what, why, when and where
Anne Dixon, 2012
This fascinating booklet charts the history of inkles from Neolithic connections through to the Mediaeval period and on through the 18th Century to the 20th Century revival and thoughts on the future of narrow woven bands. A useful Bibliography is included.
2.50 GBP
21 x 15 x 0.2 cm 30g 20pp
Anne Dixon
Finishes & Fringes for Inkles
Anne Dixon, 2012
This booklet is packed with 'how to' ideas for finishes at the ends of inkles or fringes along the edges. Knotted, braided, woven or adorned with beads, there are a variety of techniques to try.
2.50 GBP
21 x 15 x 0.2 cm 30g 20pp
Susi Dunsmore
Notes on Nepal’s Creative Basketry
ISBN 0-9552900-1-5, J Dunsmore Nepalese Textile Trust, 2016
Susi Dunsmore, a long-time supporter of the textile trade in Nepal and friend of NLT, has produced a booklet about the impressive work of Nepalese basket makers. Many of these craftsmen rely on income from basketry to subsidise what they earn from farming. This beautifully produced booklet, Notes on Nepal’s Creative Basketry, is full of interesting information and colourful images, aiming to highlight the skill and variety involved in the impressive craft of basketry, and evoke new interest in this trade from potential buyers.
7.00 GBP
21 x 15 x 0.5 cm 96g 37pp

Susan Foulkes
Weaving Hearts and Flowers using the double slotted heddle to weave patterned bands
ISBN Self Published C S.J. Foulkes 2014
This book contains designs for 11 and 13 thread heart patterns, heart meanders, joining motifs and also 11 and 13 thread flower patterns.
6.00 GBP
29.5 x 21 x 0.02 cm 75g 24pp
Susan Foulkes
Weaving Messages
ISBN Durham Weaver Publishing 2020
This booklet is designed for weavers who can weave narrow patterned bands using a pick up technique and provides pattern charts for letters and numbers using 13 pattern threads. The instructions are for a backstrap loom with a heddle with 13 pattern slots but all of the patterns can also be used on an inkle loom or with a standard heddle. Lots of illustrations and charts, all in colour.
5.00 GBP
21x 14.8 x 0.02 cm 75g 20pp
Susan Foulkes
Weaving Patterned Bands
ISBN 978-0-7643-5550-9 , Schiffer Publishing Ltd 2014
This book focuses on weaving traditional bands of the Baltic region using the double slotted heddle, using a backstrap loom. It has an inspirational introduction to the bands of this region, followed by clear detailed and well illustrated instructions for each stage of your journey. Here you will find all you need to get started and then progress to more complex designs. As a taster, look on YouTube for her videos.
18.00 GBP
26 x 19 x 2cm. 152 pp 790g
Julie Hedges
Ply-Split Braiding - An introduction to design in single course twining
ISBN 13:978-0-9554187-0-9, Julie Hedges Books, 2006
This is the essential reference for novice and practised ply-split braiders alike. It contains practical information on getting started with instructions for working different structures. The lavish illustrations of finished items are an inspiration. Practical information about methods for making and designing cords, on estimating cord lengths and for finishing braids will be returned to repeatedly through a ply-splitters career.
12.99 GBP
30 x 22.5 x 1 cm 271g 48pp spiral bound for ready reference
Julie Hedges
Ply-Split Braiding - Further techniques
ISBN 13:978-0-9554187-1-6, Julie Hedges Books, 2011
As well as further structures created with Single Course Oblique twining (SCOT), this book introduces Ply Split Darning (PSD), Plain Oblique Twining (POT), and the use of 3 ply cords to create POT 'holes' and hexagons. Going beyond technique, the pages are also packed with instructions for making jewellery, tassels, bags, hats and scarves, and offer ideas for further development.
As with her first book, the instructional diagrams are clear and the gallery pages are packed with inspirational pieces.
20.00 GBP
30 x 22.5 x 1.2 cm 421g 80pp spiral bound for ready reference
Julie Hedges
Ply-Splitting in 3 Dimensions - An introduction to making vessels and sculptural forms
ISBN 13:978-0-9554187-2-3, Julie Hedges Books, 2013 The cover images but hint at the variety of 3D forms for which this book provides instructions and ideas for further exploration. Essential information covers starts, the transition from 2D bases to 3D shapes, adding and removing, the construction of borders and more. The possibilities from combining techniques or using thick and thin cords are illustrated with beautiful structural forms alongside practical instructions.
20.00 GBP
30 x 22.5 x 1.5 cm 354g 64pp spiral bound for ready reference
Julie Hedges
Ply-Split Braided Jewellery
ISBN 13:978-0-9554187-3-0, Julie Hedges Books, 2015 This book builds on techniques learned in earlier books and offers a beautiful range of jewellery applications. There are roses and crosses for bracelets, hexagons for bangles and basket weave, chevron and spiral designs for chokers. There are photographs of finished pieces to inspire you and each design comes complete with detailed instructions and diagrams.
10.00 GBP
29.7 x 21.0 x 1.5 cm 94g 12pp
Giovanna Imperia
Kumihimo Wire Jewelry - Essential technqiues and 20 jewelry projects for the Japanese art of braiding
ISBN 978-0-8230-8551-4, Potter Craft, 2011 This beautiful book includes a concise history of kumihimo and covers materials, tools and techniques The basics of braiding are illustrated comprehensively, then 20 jewelry projects are given with step-by step instructions (graded by experience level). Both disk and plate are used. The coloured wires, braid structures and beaded embellishments give striking results.
16.50 GBP
28 x 22 x 1 cm 602g 144pp
Carol James
Fingerweaving Untangled - An illustrated beginner's guide including detailed patterns & common mistakes
ISBN 978-0-9784695-0-4, Carol James, 2011
As the title indicates, this is a practical book helping you to get fingerweaving. It opens describing different working methods and these are followed by invaluable tips and tricks for trouble-shooting. A series of traditional geometric patterns are presented, complete with detailed instructions.
12.00 GBP
25.5 x 20.5 x 0.5 cm 225g 64pp
Carol James
Sprang Unsprung - An illustrated guide to interlinking, interlacing and intertwining
ISBN 978-0-9784695-2-8, Carol James, 2011
This book shows readers the exciting possibilities of Sprang beginning with detailed instructions for free-end and fixed end working methods. Ways to achieve different textile structures and patterns by interlinking, interlacing or intertwining are shown with pattern instructions for items from coasters to socks!
18.0 GBP
25.5 x 20.5 x 0.5 cm 269g 80pp
Carol James
Sprang Lace Patterns
ISBN , Carol James, 2016
This book is a follow on to the basic instruction manual, Sprang Unsprung. It offers initiation into the world of sprang lace. Patterns in this book draw on motifs from museums in North America and Europe to invite you to explore the wealth of the richly varied global historic record.
11.00 GBP
28 x 21.8 x 0.5 cm 149g 27pp
Steve Kennett
Making Inkle Braids An introduction to weaving inkle braids
ISBN self published, Steve Kennett, 2017
The book starts with an introduction to inkle looms and basic instructions. It then progresses to warping for patterns, then pick up and drop down for patterning with some ideas for use. He also looks at the pros and cons of using different types of yarn.The book is clearly illustrated with diagrams and photographs.
13.00 GBP
29.7 x 21.5 x 0.8cm 230g 36pp
Catherine Martin
Kumihimo - Japanese silk braiding techniques
ISBN 0-94653403 9, Old Hall Press, 2nd Edn 1991
The author's skill and insight to Kumihimo derived from her studies at the Domyo School in Japan. In addition to practical information from warping up to braiding with a Marudai, the book conveys the sense of Kumihimo as a discipline as well as a craft. Twelve specific braid structures are presented in detail.
7.00 GBP
24.5 x 16 x 0.7 cm 237g 93pp
Rosalie Neilson
The Twenty-Four Interlacements of Edo Yatsu Gumi
ISBN 978-0-9664863-1-5, Orion's Plumage, 2011
One of the most familiar round Kumihimo braids is Edo Yatsu Gumi. This books explores the (24) patterns that can be achieved by combining just two colours within the structure.
15.00 GBP
17 x 11 x 0.6 cm 106g 38pp
Averil Otiv
Fibre Basketry Techniques
Self-published by Averil Otiv, 2017
This inspiring book shows several projects using plaiting structures. It has a good introduction to the use and preparation of plant fibres and Averil shows how these can be used in bias plaited baskets, twining techniques and a three-element plaiting method, based on baskets from Périgord, France. With more braiders and weavers wishing to use natural fibres in their work, the instructions for making cordage from plant fibres is also very helpful.
16.00 GBP
30 x 22 x 1.0 cm 300g 45pp
Roderick Owen & Terry Newhouse Flynn
Andean Sling Braids – New Designs for Textile Artists
ISBN 978-0-7643-5103-7, Schiffer Publishing Ltd, 2016
We have managed to only obtain a few copies of this book and have 2 remaining in stock – so first come first served.
This detailed guide, including 400+ step-by-step photos, teaches the technique and over 100 designs for weavers, crafts people, jewelry designers, basket weavers, and other interested in using braids for embellishment.
In-depth instructions are given, along with clear diagrams; recommended braiding yarns for slings and kumihimo; detailed set-up instructions; and many fascinating contemporary applications.
It introduces a new piece of equipment, the core frame, and give instructions for making it.
28.00 GBP
29 x 22 x 2.5 cm 1362g 216pp
Jennie Parry
Textures & Edges for Takadai Braids
Jennie Parry, 2005
The takadai offers many possibilities for braid structures and different edges. This book illustrates many patterns in a logical sequence with clear instructions. It goes on to show how you can design your own takadai braids and even provides bobbin paper for this purpose.
9.00 GBP
22.3 x 16.6 x 1.3 cm 148g 48pp
Robyn Spady
Handwoven Decorative Trim - An introduction to weaving passementerie trims
ISBN 978-0-9842675-0-7, Spady Studios, 2009
This monograph takes as its basis a warp-faced plain weave narrow band and demonstrates the construction of a wonderful variety of 30 decorative trims. The designs are complemented by equipment information, ideas for cording, a reference list, and useful answers to some 'frequently asked questions'.
12.00 GBP
28 x 22 x 1.3 cm 150g 36pp
Noemi Speiser
Loop-Manipulation Braiding - Basic instructions
Published by Jennie Parry, 200
This introductory booklet concentrates on the basic but essential knowledge to take the reader step by step through the techniques of loop-manipulation braiding. It presents a practical approach to give reader the confidence and understanding to continue their explorations of braids using Noemi Speiser's specialist books.
4.00 GBP
21 x 14.5 x 0.2 cm 47g 24pp
Noemi Speiser
An Annotated Classification of Textile Techniques
ISBN 978-3-258-60289-9, Haupt, 2024
The internationally renowned textile artist and researcher Noemi Speiser has been working with textile techniques for over 70 years. In this book, she publishes for long-awaited classification of textile techniques, which she divides into three Super categories: “Working with a single element”, “Interworking multiple elements” and “Working elements into a starting set”. Noemi Speiser focuses on the working process, ie the production of the textile structure.
Hand-drawn illustrations by the author accompany the system with its numerous subcategories and provide a profound overview of the variety of textile techniques.
50.00 GBP
31 x 22 x 2.5 cm 1540 g 280pp
Claudia Wollny
A Lily Grove
ISBN 978-3-948315-11-5 Claudia Wollny Edition, 3rd edition
164 weaving patterns for tablet weaving (technique: 3/1 broken twill)
more than 30 border designs (threaded-in patterns)
Bilingual - German and English
19.00 GBP
18 x 25 x 1.5 cm 600g 176pp Hardcover
Claudia Wollny
A Lily Grove 2
ISBN 978-3-948315-10-8 Claudia Wollny Edition, 3rd edition
272 weaving patterns for tablet weaving (technique: 3/1 twill)
Bilingual - German and English
25.00 GBP
18 x 25 x 1.5 cm 600g 176pp Softcover
Claudia Wollny
roslein und wecklein
ISBN 978-3-948315-12-2 Claudia Wollny Edition, 3rd edition
222 facsimiles of the original manuscript
343 weaving patterns, for tablet weaving (technique: brocading, in parts with pearls)
Bilingual - German and English
30.00 GBP
18 x 25 x 2.5 cm 800g 272pp Hardcover
Claudia Wollny
Tablets at Work
ISBN 978-3-948315-09-2 Claudia Wollny Edition, 4th edition 2023
20 tablet weaving techniques + 2 Andean weaving techniques adapted to tablet weaving. Techniques include threaded in patterns, double faced, double cloth, twill, diagonals, Kivrim, Sulawesi, Floatwork, 3 hole, 2 hole, cable work, structure weave and brocading,
Basics in detail. Each technique contains quick start intro, prep work, weaving, turning rules, variations, survey, design your own weaving patterns, weaving patterns. More than 180 photos, approximately 435 illustrations and about 910 weaving patterns
45.00 GBP
17 x 24 x 2 cm 1,655g 704pp Hardcover
Claudia Wollny
The Secrets of Kikko
ISBN 978-3-948315-01-6 Claudia Wollny Edition, 3rd edition
1 Kikko braiding pattern, 85 new pattern proposals
1 Blank pattern grid for own patterns
Detailed basic course
Bilingual - German and English
17.00 GBP
21.5 x 22 x 1 cm 500g 96pp Hardcover
Claudia Wollny
The Transformations of Sakura
ISBN 978-3-948315-02-3 Claudia Wollny Edition, 3rd edition
48 variations for Hira Genji including braiding diagrams
1 Blank pattern sheet for own patterns
Detailed basic course
Bilingual - German and English
25.00 GBP
21.5 x 22 x 1.5 cm 800g 180pp Hardcover
Claudia Wollny
The Wonderful World of the Tablet-Woven Stole and Maniple of St Donat, Arlon
ISBN 978-3-00-047682-2 Claudia Wollny Edition, 3rd edition
29 weaving patterns (technique: 3/1 twill) for tablet weaving
Bilingual - German and English
34.00 GBP
35 x 25 x 0.5 cm 800g 128pp Hardcover
Claudia Wollny
Who is Afraid of Twill?
ISBN Claudia Wollny Edition, 1st edition
At first glance, twill seems to be a mysterious technique shrouded in secrets. This workshop is designed to demystify twill. In this book, all twill techniques for tablet weaving are examined: the most well-known is 2-Color Twill. It shares the background with 3-Color Twill, Empty-Hole Twill, and Line Twill—a new, previously undocumented twill variant. All offer fantastic design opportunities for the motif area.
In addition to the basics and setup, twill‘s special structure is illuminated with photos and illustrations. A total of 219 practice weaving patterns plus solutions will help you learn how to draft weaving patterns and design your own motifs. Discover the “minimum units“ and the “crumple zone.“ The mechanics follow simple rules that help you master even the trickiest situations. You‘ll find out quickly: Twill is very simple—just add 1+1.
inclusive Downloads (QR Code) : Patterns + Tablets Skill level: Intermediate
Bilingual - German and English
30.00 GBP
35 x 25 x yy cm 1,200g 448pp Hardcover