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  • 14 Oct 2014 5:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Braid Society’s Biennial Exhibition is now on display in Reading Central Library and runs until 25th October.  There are 60 wonderful exhibits covering a wide range of techniques and submitted by members from the UK and internationally. Do visit if you can and be inspired.  The Society’s 20th Anniversary AGM weekend (17-19 October) is being held a short drive away at Wokefield Park.  The AGM will be held there on Saturday 18th October from 1.15pm – all Braid Society members are welcome.  Strands 2014 will be available for collection.  In addition there is to be a Silent Auction of the braiding equipment, threads and books donated by Mrs Hlia Douglas from her time studying in Japan.  The proceeds will establish a bursary fund for learning at Braids2016.

    Further details of all these things can be found under the Events menu - the Silent Auction details are shown on a separate page


  • 30 Sep 2014 2:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It is that time of year again!   The emails for your membership renewal will be in your inbox in the next few days.    Renewing your membership is very simple and can be done online.   As an alternative, you can still send in a renewal form or even pay your subscription directly into our bank account.    The email provides you with all the information.

    As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to treasurer at or give me a call.

    If you are coming to the AGM, you can renew there as well since the Council members will be there - we look forward to seeing as may of you as possible at the meeting. 

  • 08 Sep 2014 10:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The AGM weekend is getting closer!   There is still time to come and join us.   All the details are under Events - it is a fantastic venue, we have great teachers and it will be a wonderful gathering of friends so, if you have been thinking about it but not made a decision - decide now and join us! 

  • 20 Aug 2014 10:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are in the process of moving our website to the new site.   Please bear with us while we resolve a few teething errors.

    We have fixed the issue with email addresses so contact addresses at are working again as normal.  

    If you cannot remember your password, follow the instructions to get a new one.

  • 23 Apr 2014 8:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I hope you are thinking about items for our exhibition.  

    The Travelling Exhibition subject for 2015 is 'Spring is Sprung'.    Some of you might like to make something for the Biennial Exhibition that could then go on to the Travelling Exhibition.   There is no requirement to do this, the Biennial Exhibition has no particular theme and, as far as possible, all items submitted will be displayed.

    The exhibition will be housed in glass cabinets as they were in Manchester.   The maximum height of any exhibit is 30 cm, a better height would be 15 cm  because there are a limited number of shelves that can accommodate 30 cm.  Since the exhibition will not have stewards, it is intended that the exhibits will be inside the glass cabinets.   Although there is wall space, attaching items is not easy and they may fall off.

    As always, we are anticipating a wonderful selection of items so get busy and get braiding. 

  • 09 Mar 2014 9:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The March 2014 newsletter has been sent to all members, either by email or post.    The newsletter contains the forms for the exhibition as well as details about the AGM weekend. 


    Registrations are now open for the AGM, please look on the events page and scroll down to October.   We have discovered a minor glitch that the user cannot change the amount they pay so, if you don't want to pay the full amount, please leave the page.

  • 05 Mar 2014 8:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are slowly adding content to the site and this week our first member tried out the Braids and Bands forum.   You can go in and subscribe to the forums and, having sorted out a setting, all members can create, read and reply to posts.


    Over time, we hope to expand this.


    Have fun!

  • 29 Jan 2014 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The members directory has been move to the members only area.   It was a mistake to have it in the public view. 


    An additional page has been added to the members area to link to old newsletters.  If you have lost yours or cannot find the email, you can always find the current newsletters here.


    We are starting to build up the information on the site so keep coming back to see what we are doing.

  • 19 Oct 2013 9:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks to everyone who has managed to log on and have a look around.   We have spent our time getting the membership database right and there is no other content on this site yet.......   At the moment there is nothing in the members area but over the next few weeks/months we will put more information onto the site.   


    We will have much more opportunity to load photos and other documents on this site so over time we will transition across to here


    Thank you for your patience

  • 18 Oct 2013 8:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Everyone who has a renewal pending has had a password email sent to them.   You can either renew when you come onto the site or you can wait for the renewal email that will be dropping into your inbox in the next few days.


    We'll be improving the site over the next few months now we have the members loaded in.

Braid Society Ltd, registered in England and Wales (number 8689716)     Registered Office: 21 Coton Crescent, Coton Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 2NZ, UK

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